What’s An Oboe Sound Like in Batesville?

Sure looks quiet.

So most of you know that we just got done unpacking the UHaul truck after our move from Chicago.

Everything went pretty smoothly: the oboe made it, the gougers, even the reeds got here without a crack.

The only problem was our poor UHaul truck. We lost a belt somewhere around Indianapolis which made things like steering and braking a bit difficult. Luckily, no one was hurt.

Here is a picture of our new street. Not much is happening as you can see.

It’s perfect.

The extreme quiet got me to thinking, “What exactly does an oboe sound like in Batesville?”

So I tested it out and you know what? It sounds beautiful.

There is something about playing completely free of distractions and outside noise.

There is nothing to hear but the music and your thoughts.

It is the best therapy money can buy.

Find a quiet corner in your world and see what new things you can hear.

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