If you’ve been playing the oboe for more than two years and don’t make your own reeds, you don’t want to miss this message.
Dear Oboe Player,
Let’s get right to the point.
Oboists live and die based on the quality of their oboe reeds.
Here’s a little diagram that pretty much says it like it is:
Good Reeds = Happy Oboe Player
Bad Reeds = Well, let’s not go there. We’ve all been there and know exactly what it feels like. Let’s keep this positive.
If you’re anything like most oboists I know, you are probably deep into your never ending quest to find the perfect oboe reed.
There are a lot of places out there to find oboe reeds. There are fewer places to find great oboe reeds, and you can count the number of shops where you can find a great oboe reed for YOU on half the fingers of your right hand.
And here’s why…
Actually, the reason forces me to let you in on a little oboe reed secret…
The only “perfect” oboe reed is the one you make for yourself.
Now I am not saying you won’t get lucky now and again and order an oboe reed that seems like it was made just for you. I am sure you’ve had that happen. And I am glad for you, for your sake. I hope it keeps working out.
But think about it this way…
What do you think would happen if you called up your favorite oboe reed supplier and told them that for your next order, this is what you would like:
- One oboe reed suited ideally for your upcoming recital performance of the Mozart Oboe Concerto
- One oboe reed that would let you honk out low B-flats from morning until night
- One “lower than low” oboe reed that would let you play perfectly in tune with that creaky old church organ that hovers around 438 (or lower).
What do you think their response would be? (If they weren’t laughing so hard that they were unable to put a sentence together?)
Yep, sounds like a pie in the sky oboe reed dream right?
Now think about the same scenario, but this time, put yourself in the driver’s seat. You are the one taking the order for your very own oboe reed.
What would you say to yourself if you knew how to make oboe reeds?
A no-brainer right? You’d say, “Comin’ right up!”
Now that’s more like it!
Deciding to make your own oboe reeds isn’t as scary and overwhelming as it might sound.
If you have visions of yourself standing on the edge of a cliff deciding whether or not to plunge into the river below… you can take a deep breath and get that picture out of your mind.
Starting your oboe reed making journey doesn’t require that kind of life or death commitment.
Think of it more like a relaxed journey up the side of a beautiful mountain. Of course there are hazards and pitfalls to watch out for, but the good news is that there is only one thing you have to concentrate on doing. Just one thing… What is it?
Taking the next step.
And the good news is that I (through my guide) will be watching your back the whole way. Making sure that you just keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward.
And let me tell you, the view from the top is absolutely spectacular!
Making your own oboe reeds is a bit like being given the keys to the oboe kingdom. The control over your oboe future (not to mention the way you sound) is plopped squarely into your lap, limited only by your creativity and your willingness to work.
So how do you get started making your own oboe reeds?
That’s where I come in. I’ve been making oboe reeds for a very long time and have killed more oboe reeds than most players will probably ever see in their lifetime.
In fact, at last count, I’ve made somewhere between 10 and 20 THOUSAND oboe reeds. That’s a whole lot of hours hunched over a reed desk, scraping and crowing away.
Not only that, but through my oboe reed business, (where we make handmade oboe reeds for players just like you) I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of dollars of oboe reeds to amateur and professional oboe players around the world.
And these are top notch reeds. Not the junk you find coming off some profiling machine somewhere.
Here’s what just one customer has to say:
Chris Coleman Valdosta, GA
I don’t tell you that to brag, I just want you to understand that you are in good hands. I know what I am doing.
But believe me, when I started out, I was not the picture perfect reed maker.
Just getting the cane to stay on the tube was a big challenge, let alone what transpired when I pulled the knife out of my bag and started scraping.
My own oboe reed making journey began on the day my teacher sat across from me in the Juilliard School and told me that in 6 months, I would no longer be allowed to purchase oboe reeds.
After I caught my breath, it became painfully clear that I had exactly 180 days to sink or swim in the oboe world. Not only did I have to learn to make a reed, I had to learn to make reeds that sounded really, really good… in public. And I had six months to do it.
My teacher was really picky and wouldn’t settle for anything less.
Like I said, I’ve killed more reeds than most people will ever make. And those first few months were the beginning of my reed “killing spree.”
And that is good news for you…
Because I’ve made just about every mistake there is in the oboe reed world.
I’ve oversoaked cane, had leaky reeds, tied over the tube (choking my poor reed in the process), taken too much wood off the tip, left too much wood on the tip… I’ve done it all.
And I’ve taken all of that knowledge, experience, thrown in some of my own tricks and absolutely crammed it into the most direct, cut-to-the-chase guide and workbook I could possibly create.
In my guide for beginning reed makers, I reveal just what you need to know, in short-cut form, to help you steer clear of repeating the mistakes I’ve already made (and learned from) for you.
I’ve taken the whole reed making process, removed the fluff, taken out the advanced stuff and broken it down into manageable steps that will help anyone make their first oboe reed…
In NINE Days
Now if you’re a little overwhelmed by this, don’t worry. It shows you are a normal person.
But I believe that you are selling yourself short. Making great oboe reeds is in the grasp of even the most “mechanically” challenged. I don’t always even remember the difference between a flat head and a phillips head screwdriver.
So don’t despair, great reeds, your own great reeds are well within your grasp.
I’ve put everything you need to get started in a clear, easy to understand, nine day crash course to help you make your first oboe reed.
Here’s just a taste of what the guide covers:
- How to keep your reed from leaking.
- Exactly where you should scrape on the reed and how to keep your reed alive by not scraping on the “danger zones.”
- Learn which reed making tools you need and which ones are a waste of money… You’ll learn about the exact tools I use to make my very own reeds and where you can get them… complete with a coupon for a discount!
- How not to kill your reed before you even get started…
- How to create a strong reed making foundation – learning to make reeds depends on mastering a few straightforward skills, and you’ll learn exactly what skills you need and some simple ways for getting them under your belt.
- The absolute most important scraping habit you have to have to make sure that you don’t sabotage your reed making efforts.
- Why a sharp knife can make or break your reed making and how to keep yours sharper than a plasma laser.
Basically, I created the reed making guide that I never had. To have straightforward reed making help like this would have taken quite a chop off of the learning curve I had to endure.
I want you to start your reed making journey with a bang, and to succeed early and often. Making your very own oboe reed in 9 days will give you the courage, confidence and excitement to keep going.
Now if you think all of this sounds a little “too good to be true,” I completely understand.
Your skepticism is healthy and I respect it.
So just to make your decision easier, I have decided to move some of the risk from your shoulders to mine.
In fact, I am so confident that this guide will change your oboe life, that I am willing to shoulder all of the risk by offering you a…
No Questions Asked!
If, after 6 months, you don’t feel that this guide has catapulted you ahead of where you were when you were buying oboe reeds, then I don’t want your money…. and I will put it back in your pocket, no questions asked.
Now this might just be the most expensive guide you’ve ever bought. And it is for a good reason… Because the benefits you will receive from the knowledge it contains will absolutely change your oboe life.
So don’t think of it simply as a price.
Instead, think about what you stand to gain by becoming a great reed maker. (Not to mention the thousands of dollars you will save when you stop buying commercial oboe reeds.)
When you are making your own oboe reeds…
- No longer will the sound of your playing be controlled by what someone else considers a good sound.
- You will never again encounter an oboe problem that you do not have the power to solve. The solution may elude you at the time, but you will have the skills required to discover it.
- You will break free of having your oboe playing held back by someone else’s reed problems.
- You can finally sound like you… Playing commercial reeds is a bit like singing with some else’s voice.
The benefits go on and on. Once you have joined the ranks of the oboe reed makers, you will wonder how you ever got along playing someone else’s reeds.
It’s never too early to start and the longer you wait the more you sacrifice in sound, money and how hard you think the oboe is to master.
So here is what I am offering you:
OPTION 1: “The Whole Kit and Kaboodle”
- The Beginner’s Guide to Making Your First Playing Oboe Reed… In 9 Days or Less. (At my normal rate, it would take me over 9 hours and cost about $700.00 for me to cover all of the skills you need to make an oboe reed.)
- Complete access to the video demonstration library on the web. I’ve taken each skill covered in the guide and demonstrated it for you. You can watch each video demonstration over and over as you work through the guide. (The value to actually seeing the skills you are learning is absolutely priceless. It will make your journey immeasurably easier and more productive.) Here’s a sample:
- Unlimited direct access, via email, to yours truly for 60 days for any and all oboe reed questions. You will have direct access to me via a special (unpublished) email address so that you can ask all of the oboe reed questions (even the dumb ones we all have to ask) and get the answers you need to move forward. (Access to this type of knowledge, from someone who has been in the oboe reed trenches is hard to find and it is expensive. You get an unlimited amount, for 60 days after you receive your guide.)
- A coupon for 1 Free Reed Critique. You send me your reed and I send you a complete critique with specific steps on how to make it better. ($99.00 value).
Your investment, today: $119.00 only $69!!
OPTION 2 “The Independent Learner”
- The Beginner’s Guide to Making Your First Playing Oboe Reed… In 9 Days or Less.
- Complete access to the video demonstration library on the web.
Your investment, today: $47.00 only $27!!
Plus, the entire guide and video library instructions are delivered to you via a downloadable PDF – you can get started just a few minutes after you order.
Now’s the time to act. Your oboe future is calling…
Here’s how to order:
Order Online Via Credit Card
Happy playing,
Just one last thing…
At this point, you might be wondering, “Just how long is the reed making guide? How much information am I going to have to digest?”
Good question.
Reed making is both art and science, but part of being a reed expert is knowing what you need to know NOW and what you will learn as you go.
Becoming a master reed maker takes a lot of time, knowledge and practice. Plunking down a 200 page manual to take you from reed beginner to a master would create too much frustration. It just isn’t necessary. You don’t need to move that fast or ingest all of that knowledge at one time.
Plus, the oboe world needs you too much to scare you away like that.
Remember, this journey is one where all you need to do is take one step at a time.
So to answer your question, the guide is about 50 pages, the absolute minimum I needed to take you from a a reed buyer to a reed maker.
You are about 9 days, 50 pages and a few videos away from making your own oboe reed.
Now go get started…