What do you focus on? Oboe strengths or weaknesses?

Yesterday I was listening to a recording of some organ music of all things (my husband plays the pipe organ) and I started thinking about all of the things that I really love about music and the oboe.

I love playing with friends. I love the bond that happens between all of us as we create together. It’s hardly work.

As I thought about each of the things that draw me to music, it suddenly occurred to me that the things I was listing were the things that I do well – things that just come naturally to me. Things that I don’t have to really work at, I just enjoy them.

One of the biggest challenges with learning is that most all of us are raised to concentrate on improving our weaknesses instead of developing our strengths. Most schools teach you that. Most people believe that is the way to succeed.

And each one of those people mean well. I’m sure that they do want to see us succeed.

But in life, it’s my experience that focusing on your weaknesses isn’t the path to enjoyment and not the way to get where you want to go.

You are a unique oboe player. You do certain things better than most other oboe players. Other players can do certain things better than you.

That’s life.

Life is not about competition, it’s about communication. It’s about enjoying the journey, not getting to a particular destination.

What are your strengths on the oboe and how can you enjoy them and develop them into even bigger strengths?

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