Oboe Parents… How do you spell RELIEF?

If you haven’t been around MKL Reeds in a bit, you may have missed the announcement about our first foray into the publishing world. It’s called, “How to Raise a Young Oboist WITHOUT Going Broke.”

It’s specifically written for oboe parents.

So what prompted me to write my very first e-book, you ask?

Well, I’ll tell you…..

As many of you teachers out there would agree, oboe parents that “get it” can be few and far between. It’s not that parents don’t care or try to understand what being an oboist means. That’s not it AT ALL.

It’s just that the oboe is a tough nut to crack, and most times, parents begin the journey with their kids completely unprepared. From reeds to choosing an oboe to keeping it happy and healthy, no one ever gives parents the basic information required to help them avoid the many oboe pitfalls that come their way.

Enter this new book of mine, which gives parents the vital information they need to navigate the oboe world and keep their expenses to a minimum

With just a small bit of knowledge, parents can steer clear of so many oboe frustrations and help make the oboe a fun and rewarding experience for their child.

Want to read the intro? Take a look…

Think Back…

Do you remember the day your child came home from school and announced that she wanted to play the oboe? Do you look back on that day and only wish you had known what an expensive mess you were getting yourself into?

[take a deep breath now…]

  • the oboe instrument itself has good days and bad days, but it seems to have more bad than good and never seems to work just right…
  • the expensive reeds that break when she needs them most…
  • the oboe lessons that have turned into lengthy sessions that seem to create a need for yet more new supplies or equipment?

Rest assured, by reading this guide and following the suggestions that it contains, we will help you sort out this “mess” and help you be smart when dealing with all of this oboe “stuff.” And if your child has just begun playing, congratulations, because you will be ahead of the game by reading this guide.

As a parent, I know you just want to hear it like it is. So, I’ll tell you.

Playing the oboe is an extremely rewarding adventure, and it takes an especially intelligent and persistent person to learn it well, if I do say so myself. But, playing the oboe is also an expensive proposition that can seem overwhelming and confusing when you do not understand a few vital pieces of information. You need a certain amount of specialized “oboe knowledge” to help your child succeed while allowing you to get the absolute most value for the money your are spending.

By reading this guide, you will be prepared to tackle the monster (the friendly monster) that is the oboe. This guide will prepare you to:

  • Buy an oboe, and make sure that you don’t get taken by someone just wanting to unload a piece of junk on an unsuspecting and well intentioned parent.
  • Find the RIGHT teacher for your child. There are a lot of teachers out there, so how do you pick the ONE that can best help your child learn? We will show you.
  • Untangle the reed puzzle. Reeds are the lifeblood of any oboe player. At the beginning, buying reeds is about the only option. Long term however, your child deserves more (and so does your wallet). We will show you how to help them get on the path to reed independence by learning how to make their own.

You can find more info about the book here.

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