Did I Confuse You?

The dust is finally settling from the big launch of the Reedmaker’s Network.

And as the haze begins to clear, I realize that I may have hopelessly confused you all.

Let me apologize…

In all of my excitement, I’m afraid I didn’t make things as clear as they should be. And I can’t really expect you to make a good decision about whether or not the Reedmakers Network is right for you IF things aren’t crystal clear.

So here goes…

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the Reedmakers Network. And I know that if one person has a question, there are probably a hundred others who have the same question.

So let’s jump in:

1. What EXACTLY is the Reedmakers Network? What’s the point?

The goal of the Reedmakers Network is this:

To help you remove reeds as an obstacle to you becoming the best oboe player you can and want to be… no matter what level you are at today.

So that can mean a lot of things, but in a nutshell, it means that I want to help you improve your reedmaking/reed adjusting skills.

If you have never made reeds, then learning how will be the goal for you.

If you already have beginning skills, but want to get A LOT better, that will be the goal for you.

If you never want to make reeds, then giving you the basic skills you need to tweak the reeds you buy will be the goal for you.

And if you are already a pro, then the goal will be to help you make better reeds, more consistently… and to give you help and support when things don’t go so smoothly.

2. What EXACTLY is included when I sign up?

Here’s where I realize that I REALLY wasn’t clear. Reedmaking is a very individualized art. To make progress, you NEED personal attention. So it is hard to tell you exactly how things will work, because it will depend on exactly where you are starting.

But let me try anyway…

There are really two parts to the Reedmakers Network: the reedmaking help and the supplies/books that you will need.

Now the whole thing begins with you filling out a detailed survey about your oboe goals and your current skills.

You get that soon after you sign-up.

That’s so I can personalize the program for YOU, to give you the most bang for your buck.

The reedmaking help (which is suited to your current level of skill) is delivered via online videos, telephone calls and through the mail via reed critiques… plus there is a forum for everyone to get together and learn from each other.

The supplies and books are yours to purchase separately, but your membership will qualify you for big discounts on all of them… including the reed tools you might need to get started.

3. What happens if I don’t sign-up but I STILL want to buy your reeds?

To be quite frank, absolutely nothing… I will still provide you with the absolute best oboe reeds I can, whether or not you become a member of the Reedmakers Network.

Now, if there are ANY questions that you still have, that I STILL haven’t answered, let me apologize… (again)

I am still excited about all of this for you.

Please just let me know what questions you have and I will answer each and every one.

Just send your questions to [email protected].

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